Saluting the true heroes who wear the Tiranga badge.

Forms for 2024 are now open

The Tirange Badge Awards is one of the few awards event for social work in India, attracting hundreds of entries every year and reaching millions of people with positive stories of outstanding social work, creative and compassionate practitioners and outstanding practice. 

Recognizing and Rewarding Our Socially Conscious Youth.

Tiranga Badge Awards aims to nurture students in the age group of 10-20 years, who have contributed to the welfare of their school / college, society, city or country. The award is for achievements in the field of service to people and society.We believe that values and knowledge received at a young age enables a child to lay the foundation for a mature and proactive adult life as a valuable citizen of India. To give children the opportunity to develop their skills and broaden their knowledge base beyond academic learning we have introduced the Tiranga Badge Awards.

Entries for the Tiranga Badge Awards 2024 will close on 15th November 2024.